Thursday, 17 November 2011

Components Made For The Kitchen


The first component that I made for the kitchen was a cooker. It was fairly straightforward to make. Firstly, I made a cube and added four small cylinders to the top of it. The door was made up of a smaller cube. The handle consists of two small cylinders and one larger cylinder. 

Next, I applied materials to the cooker to make it look more realistic using the Material Editor and the UVW Map modifier. The handle has been given a realistic metal effect.

The images below show the two materials that I made myself using a paint program. The rings have been placed on the cooker hobs and the clock/timer has been placed on the front of the cooker in the middle.

After applying the finer details, I added some buttons and dials to the cooker to make it look more lifelike. The final image shows the final rendered result. If it was to be animated, the door can opened and shut using the rotate tool. If one of the group members were to make a saucepan or a frying pan, food could be animated cooking.


One of the main components which can be used in various places in the Guildhall and not just the kitchen alone is a counter. The counter was simply made from three boxes with a granite and dark hardwood texture applied. In order to make the wood look more detailed, I used a bump modifier using the same image, set at 130%. The counter can be adapted to create cupboards and drawers.


Another vital appliance for the kitchen was the fridge. Due to time constraints, I could only use a UVW Map with an image of a fridge on a box shape. This means that I would not be able to animate it and it would act as a static model instead. However, this is not necessarily a bad point because
it will act as a good model to create a kitchen atmosphere.


Mugs and cups are good examples of "kitchen clutter" and can also be used at the Guildhall entrance for use with the tea set and the coffee machine. In order to make them, I created a teapot primitive shape, converted it to an editable poly and selected the polygons on the lid. These were then deleted:

 The spout of the teapot was also deleted:

This leaves a very simple cup shape:

Before I carried out any more edits to the shape, I added a material in order to make it look porcelain and more realistic. I ensured that the shine was quite high so that when the environment lighting falls on it, it shines without a reflection.

After using the TurboSmooth modifier, I extended the height of the cup to improve on the quality of the shape. The image below shows the final result:


Saucers will be needed to go with the mugs/cups and plates will be needed in the kitchen to serve food on. These were very simply created by making a cylinder and increasing the number of cap segments. Using soft selection in vertex mode, I selected the middle vertex and moved it down. The brighter the red, the more effect the movement has on that particular vertex. This created an ideal method to create a plate "rim". The same porcelain material that was placed on the cups was placed on the saucers to ensure that they matched.

As you can see from the image below, the shape is still very basic and rough around the edges:

Therefore, I used the TurboSmooth modifier and this is what has provided the best saucer/plate looking shape.


The teapot was created with the teapot primitive shape, was TurboSmoothed and had the porcelain material added to it.


Glenview Doors, Inc.
Wood texture for counter
Available online at:
Last Updated: 04/09/2011
Last Accessed: 24/11/2011

John Lewis
Freezer image
Available online at:
Last Accessed: 24/11/2011

World Of Stock
Granite counter worktop texture
Available online at:
Last Updated: 15/03/2009
Last Accessed: 24/11/2011

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